Signed in as:
AltaOne Federal Credit Union, 11211 River Run Blvd. (off Buena Vista)
To exhibit contact Micki Schultz, Coordinator, 330-3002 (30% commission to BAA).
· AltaOne Federal Credit Union, 6501 Ming Ave. (Corner of Ashe)
Jan Wiley, Coordinator, 805-405-5799. (30% commission to BAA).
· Bakersfield Chamber of Commerce, board room, on the corner of 18th and Eye Street.
To exhibit contact Charlotte White, Coor-dinator, 330-2676. (Commission: 15% to B. C. of C. and 15% to BAA).
· Covenant Coffee Shop, 11700 North Chester, Kay Hall Coordinator.
To exhibit contact: Kay Hall, Coordinator at 324-0311. (Commission: 20% to C.C. and 10% to BAA).
· Dagny’s Coffee Shop, 1600 20th Street.
To exhibit contact: Mimi Placencia, Coordinator, 444-0186. (Commission: 20% to D. and 10% to BAA).
· First Friday in front of the Art Center. There will be no First Friday shows until further notice.
Sign up in the notebook in the Art Center. Set up at 4 and break-down at 8 p.m. 30% BAA Commission.
· Fox Theatre, Box Office office, 20th and “H” Street. The Fox is closed until further notice.
To exhibit contact Iva Fendrick, Coordinator 303-5327. (30% commission to BAA)
· Guild House, 1905 18th St. A N ON-LINE SHOW HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR VIEWING ARTIST'S WORK. Guild House is closed until further notice.
To exhibit contact: Norma Neil, Coordinator, 204-4653 or 283-1376, Marsha Black, Assistant Coordinator. 30% commission (20% to G.H. and 10% to BAA)
· Houchin Community Blood Bank, 11515 Bolthouse
To exhibit contact Charlotte White, Coordinator, 330-2676. (Commission: 30% to BAA).
· Kern Literacy Council, 331 Eighteenth Street.
To exhibit sign up in the notebook.
Charlotte White, Coordinator, 330-2676. (Commission: 15% to K.L.C. and 15% to BAA).
· Lorene’s Ranch Restaurant, 1531 23rd St.
To exhibit contact Toni Lott, Coordinator, 205-3488. (Commission: 15% to L. and 15% to BAA).
Tina Marie’s Restaurant, 1534 19th Street. Open 6 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. . Art exhibited here should have a western or California landscape theme.
To exhibit contact Charlotte White, Coordinator, 330-2676. (30% commission to BAA.)
· Toss It Salad Bar, 1917 Eye Street.
To exhibit sign up in the notebook.
Charlotte White, Coordinator, 330-266. (Commission: 15% to T.I. and 15% to BAA).
· Epic Jet Center/ BAA Art Gallery, 1105 Douglas. Group Show: Iva Fendrick, Ann Sullivan, Patti Doolittle, and Charlotte White. This is a semi-permanent exhibit, there will be no changes.
Iva Fendrick and Charlotte White, Co-Coordinators. Commission: 30% to BAA.