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VICKI MEADOWS said she was always drawing as a child and didn't watch much TV.
In Jr. high her dad got her a little easel and some starter paints. She started painting on boards and he took one painting to an art gallery in town. The man there said she painted too much like an architect, which was funny since that is what she wanted to be. The gentleman said she shouldn't paint each brick and shade each one!
When she was in High School, she tried to sign up for architectural drawing but was told it was only for boys! So, she felt that it was the end of her painting opportunities. She did murals on walls for family and friends and just got busy with life and kids.
Then a few years ago a Dr. that was treating her Mother for Parkinson's saw a painting at her mother’s home and asked if Vicki would paint something for the Michael J. Fox Foundation's auction. She didn't own any paints or brushes any more, as she hadn't painted in 40 years! But, since her mom was ill with Parkinson’s, she felt she needed to contribute in some way. So, she purchased a box of paints and got busy and painted some lavender fields for the auction. She enjoyed it so much that she started doing more.
Vicki’s work hangs in the Bakersfield Art Center. (661) 869-2320
" A BIT OF THIS AND THAT" is the theme for her show. She says she has always been doodling as far back as she can remember. But she took a liking to painting ever since her second-grade teacher put her art in the Kern County Fair, and she won first place. She says, "Surprising how a little blue ribbon can motivate a seven-year-old!"
Later her father bought her paints and as easel and she would paint for hrs. in her room. One day her dad took one of her paintings to Cezanne art gallery in Bakersfield for some critiquing. She was thrilled to hear them say she painted like an architect. Her two most favorite things, ,math and art. That is what she wanted to be an architect! Little did she know that the school would not let her enroll in architectural drawing. That was for boys. So, she put her supplies away and didn’t paint on canvas for almost 40 years.
After being asked to paint a donation for the Michael J Fox Parkinson Foundation, she realized what she had missed by not painting. And she has been painting ever since.
She had always been drawn to architecture, old buildings and structures. That is her favorite thing to paint. But she has found that people in this town love Bakersfield and its history and art showing the history. Along with painting structures, landscapes, still lives, people and pets, the old buildings are what she enjoys painting the most. Probably that little dream of being an architect in her.
"A BIT OF THIS AND THAT' is just a mix of what she enjoys painting and learning from.
Acrylic 40" x 30"
Acrylic - (Framed) 15 1/2 x 18 1/2m